Strategic Goals

Sham sham company has 12 strategies in the form of 3 approaches

1. Value for the organization

2- Value for customers

3- Value for staff

Increasing value strategies for the organization

1) Sustainability and development of organizational capabilities

2- To create a database of competing companies and target markets (actual and potential) to enhance the company's location

3. Empowerment of managers, supervisors and responsible experts through short-term training courses

4. Composing instructions and regulations for all activities of the company

Value increasing Strategies for Employees

1. Evaluation of the performance of all personnel along with applied training

2- Implementation of the system of employee productivity by the method of payment of salaries based on their performance

3. Implementation of the motivational system with the strategy of suggestion systems, participation and teamwork, talent identification and alternate work and work environment.

4- Creating an Occupational Identity for All Personnel

Valuations Strategies for Customers

1- Product identification and placement in the sight of customers and the general public

2- Commitment and Corporate Responsibility of the Company to the Public (Introduction of Features and Means of Product Differentiation)

3. Establishing close relationships with customers and the general public in order to understand their level of expectations and use existing points of view

4- Creating operational strategies to achieve a position beyond the level of customer expectations